Talk Scorpio To Me… What Does It Mean To Be This Sign?


From October 23rd through November 21st, the sun is in Scorpio.

Individuals born in the given timeframe, especially with a Leo or Scorpio rising sign, will likely possess many of the following themes.

As I say in every sign overview post, this is a generalization. You need the full birth chart for a deeper analysis

Also, those who will resonate with my description do not necessarily have to be born between the given dates alone. They also may have other planets in Scorpio, heavy Pluto or Mars influence, or placements in somewhat similar signs such as Aries, Pisces or Cancer.

Scorpio Sun Sign

“Still waters run deep” should be the motto of the Scorpio sun. This sign is known for its intensity, secrecy, powerful emotions, passions, and depth. The sign is symbolized by the scorpion to allude to Scorpio’s penetrating, sexual, stinging and intense nature.

Drake is a great example of a Scorpio
Drake has a Scorpio sun, Mercury, and Venus. The name “Scorpion” couldn’t be more fitting for his album.
(PS: He also has a moon in Cancer)

At first glance, Scorpio individuals are often misunderstood. On the outside, they may be quiet, observant, or even somewhat unremarkable. However, underneath this exterior, they have complexity, awareness, observational skills, and an interest and understanding of the motivations of others. Because they value privacy and possess so much depth though, others oftentimes fail to understand what is going on beneath their surface.

Like Cancer and Pisces, Scorpio is a water sign. These signs are driven by emotion and are in touch with their feelings. They are intuitive, sensitive, and in tune with nuances and subtleties that many other overlook. The water element can include empathy for others, compulsive passions, fears, jealousy, reflection, and a need for an emotional connection with others.

Additionally, Scorpios tend to have an affinity for taboo and darker areas of life. These typically include topics related to death, sex, money and power. They embody sexuality and crave intimacy with others. They form exceptionally deep bonds and take intimacy seriously, despite having their guard up to the majority of the world. Also connected to this theme, they tend to live a life of death and resurrection themes and often try to “redo” themselves. Scorpios seek out transformative experiences and enjoy the extremes of life.

Like Taurus, Leo, and Aquarius, Scorpio is a fixed sign. These signs possess a distinct stubborn streak, strong, willpower, persistence, focus, and consistency. In Scorpio’s case, they can be fixated on feelings, passions, compulsions, or obsessions. Fixed signs correspond to the second month in each season when the season is becoming more consistent and stable. In Scorpio’s case, it marks end of the transition between summer to autumn. The days are finally consistently cool and the leaves are all dying (also Halloween, the Day of the Dead, and All Saints Day seem to conveniently have strong Scorpio themes).

At the sign’s highest manifestation, Scorpios have impressive regenerative powers that can be used to heal and create transformations in others. They also love deeply, have powerful conviction in their views, and are fiercely loyal to those they love.

If the sign manifests in a negative way, a Scorpio can be controlling, obsessive, compulsive, vindictive, unforgiving, and self-destructive. At times it is better for a Scorpio to feel pain or agony than to feel nothing at all. Just as individuals influenced by this sign can be passionate in love, they can also be passionate when experiencing hate. Their brooding and powerful natures are unmistakable.


Keywords: Powerful, perceptive, emotional, deep, intense, passionate, willful, sensual, and transformative.
Symbol: Scorpion
Element: Water
Quadruplicity: Fixed
Sun Sign Dates: October 23rd through November 21st
Public Figures with Strong Scorpio Influence
Hillary Clinton (Sun, Ascendant, Mercury, and Venus)
Drake (Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto)
Katy Perry (Sun conjunct Pluto by 0°degrees, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, and Ascendant)
Björk (Sun, Moon, Ascendant, and Neptune)

If you have questions or comments on the Scorpio sign, feel free to contact me!

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